It’s “B” day! Yaaay! That’s when the kids get to go to school dressed up as something that starts with a ‘B.’
Booooo! That’s when parents have to Beg, Borrow and Buy stuff so the kids can go to school dressed up as something that starts with ‘B.’
My son decided to go as a ‘B’aker, but only if I made ‘B’rownies for him to share with the class. I had no problem with the Baking part, as I am never out of pantry staples like flour, sugar, Butter and cocoa.
As for the costume part, Blech! I have about seventy Boxes of unpacked stuff in the Basement and about seven minutes of motivation to go looking for the chef’s hat I Bought more than a decade ago.
I do not enjoy Buying more of the same junk I already have, But faced with the prospect of searching through dozens of dusty Boxes and possibly encountering – eek! a spider! – I decided on a trip to the dollar store. Alas, there were no chef hats, but I found two aprons – one for him to wear and one for me to fashion into a hat using cardboard, glue and fabric. To keep the top part fluffed, I stuffed it with cotton cloths and socks; it ended up weighing close to five pounds By the time it was finished. The poor kid wore it all day.
Thankfully, my daughter’s plans involved Borrowing clothes and a Ball cap from her cousin ‘B’rian, who also went as himself.
I hate to be a big ‘B’ over these things as I know the teachers mean for them to be fun, and the kids love it, But dress up days are such a pain. You would think that occasions like ‘B’ day or pajama day would be easy, just letting the kids get up in the morning and go as they are. Except they don’t have one single matching pair of pajamas. If the top fits, the Bottoms are torn, if the Bottoms work, the top ended up as a dust cloth somewhere along the way. My daughter still wears Bottoms from three years ago. She keeps growing upwards, But isn’t filling outwards, so trudging to school with jammies fit for a seven-year-old may look a little Bizarre.
BTW – Recipe for Brownies!
1 cup melted butter
2 cups brown sugar
1 – 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup cocoa
2 beaten eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
(2 cups chopped walnuts, optional)
Beat butter and sugar until smooth. Add beaten eggs and vanilla. Stir in cocoa and flour. Bake in 9 x 13 pan at 350F for 25 minutes. Top with mini marshmallows and return to the oven for 2 to 3 minutes.