I like to take a little time each Monday morning to complain about nothing in particular except the fact that it’s Monday. You see, Monday makes everything worse.
What happens on Tuesday is Tolerable.
Wednesday? Whatever!
Thursday? Throwaway!
Friday? Fuggedaboutit!
But, being how I am, I need to find the blessings in with the messings; so here goes.
Messing: I had to get up early.
Blessing: I get to go to bed early.
Messing: It was nasty, cold out this afternoon.
Blessing: I have two winter coats to wear at the same time.
Messing: I had to shovel the driveway and there was no more room to pile the snow.
Blessing: I got a great workout!
P.S. Then the snow stopped and the sun came out to melt what I had just shovelled. I blame Monday!