Today’s the day my husband packs up the kids and heads for the hills to ski down the slopes while I stay home and worry myself sick about defective chair lifts, broken ankles, getting lost in the trees, frost bite, and any number of gruesome images that can and will pop into my overprotective head.
Don’t Give Me A Break
This morning I broke the last of the six fruit bowls my Aunt Rose gave me for a shower gift. I was eating frozen peas when the glass slipped from my clumsy clutch and crashed on the living room floor. Not only did I break the bowl, I broke the rules. 1. Standing while eating. 2….
Seven Layer Halva
Halle-lu-jah! Halva-lu-jah! One of my favourite Christmas time treats is halva! When I was a kid, there were three flavours – vanilla, chocolate and marbled. How exciting it was to see my mother unwrap the brown paper from the halva block and slice off small chunks for us to slowly savour. I really had no idea…